Ansys Dynamic Reporting#
Ansys Dynamic Reporting (ADR) is the report-generation, analytics, and data-storage framework integrated into the multiple Ansys products. It is a web-oriented collection of tools that allows you to bring all of your data together in one place, organize it, and create compelling reports for yourself, your engineers, your colleagues, and your customers.
Data is stored in ways that make sense for your workflows, projects, users, and more. You no longer need to worry about where you saved a file: Ansys Dynamic Reporting has you covered. With a rich metadata infrastructure, Ansys Dynamic Reporting allows you to tag, search, group, collect, and present your data in new ways. Ansys Dynamic Reporting understands your data, from structured tables to full 3D models and can present them in intuitive ways. And your analysis data, whether images from EnSight or plots and queries from post-processing, are connected back to their original source datasets and analysis sessions, allowing you to quickly return to the data for further exploration.
Your data can automatically flow into the Ansys Dynamic Reporting database or be manually uploaded, as needed, with a single click or command. Our REST APIs (including the PyAnsys project pydynamicreporting) allow you to automate your workflows and smooth the process of centralizing your rich data. Save hundreds of wasted hours navigating around complex file structures and let our framework do the work for you.
Ansys Dynamic Reporting reports do not need to be reformatted to meet the needs of different audiences and can be customized to fit your objectives. Plus, with interactive charts, graphs, tables, and 3D models, your audience will be fully equipped to understand your data. Interactive on-screen organization layouts like tabs, sliders, carousels and automatic tables of contents, figures, and tables mean that your reports will be beautiful and informative.

Using the Ansys Dynamic Reporting system makes it possible to explore your data and create high-productivity tools:
Reports are saved data searches; when new material matches the report settings, it will automatically be included in the report.
Pan, zoom, rotate, step through time, and more. No plugin required. All major browsers supported.
Present data as a table or a plot. Switch back and forth between them easily. Zoom in to the details or zoom out for the context. Interactively probe your plots to explore the details of the data.
Generate complex reports that automatically include a table of contents for easy navigation. Generate lists of tables and figures to quickly jump to important elements of your report.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a slider captures multiple images in a compact and intuitive interactive interface.
One click and EnSight and Fluent content is saved to your database, from saving images and plots to pushing out 3D models. Quickly set custom tags to precisely characterize your visualizations and analyses.