Force Tool

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Force Tool

EnSight now includes a pressure and shear net force calculation tool that replaces the previous pressure force calculation tool.




1. Select the part(s) of interest. The parts must only have 2D surface elements.

2. Open the tool box and double click the Force Pressure & Shear tool.

You may recognize the icon from the pressure force tool in previous versions of EnSight. This tool completely replaces the functionality of that tool.


3. The tool has three GUIs

a. The First GUI allows four choices for what to calculate in progressive order of complexity

what to calc

as well as part by part net force calculations or one total net force for all parts

part by part

and the ability to choose an output .csv file name and path and to browse for an appropriate directory and file name.

csv path

b. The Second GUI depends on the choice made in the first GUI

i. Pressure net force

pressure only

ii. Pressure and shear net force


iii. Pressure and shear net force as well as the coefficients


iv. Pressure and shear net force as well the Lift, Drag, and Side components and all the components


Note that the above GUI chooses intelligent defaults using the existing variable names.  For example, as shown in the variable list below, if the variable list contains scalar variables containing "pressure" or "shear" then this tool will auto-select these variables as viable candidates for use in the calculations: it will make these variables the default in the GUI above.  Note also for coefficient calculations that if you have constants with "Area", "Density", "Vx", "Vy", or "Vz" as shown in the variable list below, then the tool will use these variables for the default reference values as shown in the GUI above. This can save time when rerunning the tool, simply as part of the setup, create variables with these names.

example variable list

c. If you have one part, then the Third GUI informs you that the calculations are complete and where the values are written out.


d. Notice all of the new variables that are created are put under a Force Vars folder. The variables with "press" in their name are pressure variables. The variables with "ShearForce" in their names are the shear variables.  The remaining variables are intermediate variables. Note that these variables are calculated using the parts selected by the user.

Pressure variables.

ENS_Force_press is the force vector variable at each element from pressure, and the X, Y, and Z components are the next three.

ENS_Force_Net_press_X, Y, & Z are the per part constant variables that are the net force from pressure at each of the selected parts.  In EnSight 10.2 we now have Per Part constants. This enables us to create a single variable name that has a value for each of the selected parts. You can color the selected parts by the per part variables to see how the Net Force varies by part. You can save your per part variables to a CSV file by right clicking on the variable in the variable list and choosing Export to CSV file.

ENS_Force_Total_Net_press_X, Y, & Z are the Case Constants representing the sum of the pressure force in the x, y, and z directions.

Shear variables

ENS_Force_Tan_ShearForce_X, Y, & Z are scalar components of the tangential shear force at each element.

ENS_Force_Net_Tan_ShearForce_X, Y, & Z are the per part constants representing the sum of the shear scalar above over all the elements in that part.

ENS_Force_Total_Net_Tan_ShearForce_X, Y, & Z are the Case Constants representing the sum of the shear scalars over all the elements for all selected parts.

And the remaining variables are intermediate variables.