Dataset and Session Objects#

report_objects.DatasetREST object#

This object is a Python representation of an Ansys Dynamic Reporting dataset object. When this object is created, a GUID will automatically be generated for the object.

Data members#

The following attributes are available on a DatasetREST object:

  • guid - string GUID. The default is str(uuid.uuid1())

  • tags - The user-defined tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated.

  • filename - The filename portion of the dataset local path, a string

  • dirname - The directory name portion of the dataset local path, a string

  • format - The format of the dataset, a string

  • numparts - The number of parts in the dataset, an integer

  • numelements - The total number of elements in the dataset, an integer (a measure of the size of the dataset)



Set the tags for the dataset to the passed string. Multiple tags are space-separated.


Returns the tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated.

dataset.add_tag(tag, value=None)

Adds a tag to the current tag string. If no value is passed, the simple tag string is added to the tags string. If a value is specified, a string of the form tag=value will be added to the tag string.


Remove the tag (and any potential associated value) from the current tag string.

report_objects.SessionREST object#

This object is a Python representation of an Ansys Dynamic Reporting session object. When this object is created, a GUID will automatically be generated for the object and the date is set to the current time/date.

Data members#

The following attributes are available on a SessionREST object:

  • guid - string GUID. The default is str(uuid.uuid1())

  • tags - The user defined tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated.

  • date - The time & date of the creation of this object. The default is:

  • hostname - The name of the host system the session was run on, a string

  • version - The version of the application that was used to generate this session, a string

  • platform - The platform/OS on which the application generated this session, a string

  • application - The name of the application generating this session, a string



Set the tags for the session to the passed string. Multiple tags are space-separated.


Returns the tags string for this object. Multiple tags are space-separated.

session.add_tag(tag, value=None)

Adds a tag to the current tag string. If no value is passed, the simple tag string is added to the tags string. If a value is specified, a string of the form tag=value will be added to the tag string.


Remove the tag (and any potential associated value) from the current tag string.