The next part of the analysis begins to look at the temperature field within the domain, looking for areas of high temperature (>1800 deg) which can lead to the formation of NOx emissions. To help quantify these higher temperature regions, we have created an IsoVolume of Temperature > 1800. We have graphed this volume as a fraction of the total cylinder volume vs. time, and is shown in the animation below. We can see a relatively high fraction of the domain (~40%) sees temperatures in excess of 1800 during the initial combustion event. The initial slope after this peak is pretty steep, bringing the high temperature regions down to about 15%, and then a much shallower rate of decrease in high temperatures down to a final value of ~10%. This region of high temperature remains towards the top of the cylinder, and away from the walls, helping to inhibit the production of NOx emissions in the volume. As the design further progresses, monitoring of this quantity and the location of these higher temperature zones will be crucial in the prediction of higher performant designs.