Ansys Dynamic Reporting Gallery


At the core of any report package is a solid plotting engine. Nexus provides a flexible, interactive plotting engine capable of many different types of plots.

Plot 1

Profile of Force pressure on air foil. Includes the profile of the air foil.

Plot 2

Work vs. Inflow mass. Size of the markers is the ratio of chemicals. Each data point is colored by Temperature. Custom text can be associated with each marker for enhanced interactive exploration.

Plot 3

Temperature profile for three different Z positions. There an error bar associated with each observation.

Plot 4

Probability Distribution Function of Temperature in a combustion engine seconds after ignition. The results from two different models are shows for comparison.

Plot 5

Pie chart of the contribution of each part to the Total Drag.


The layout template structure is the skeleton of any Nexus report. A rich collection of templates allows the report designer to organize information in the manner best suited to the intended audience

Table of Contents

The system includes semi-automated table of contents generation.

Carousel Layout

The items are laid out in a carousel.

Column Layout

The elements are placed in columns. In this case, 2 columns.

Box Layout

You can arbitrarly set the size and position of each element at the pixel level.

You can place text and other items anywhere you'd like. Even in scrollable containers!

Tab Layout

Each element is placed in a separate tab.

Slider Layout

You can switch between the items via a slider.

Panel Layout

Panels support multi-column layout and can take the form of a callout (with a solid bar on the left side) or a titled panel (with a blocked off header like the Table of Contents panel).

Image comparison

A parameter study for a pipe with two inlets is run. Three different values for the velocity atthe first inlet and four velocity values at the second inlet are explored. This results in twelve design points. Here, you can evaluate the results from the simulation via side by side image comparison.

Note that you can span, zoom and turn on the grid on the images for a better comparison. A detailed description on how to create such comparison can be found at this link.


Enhanced image comparison

A parameter study for a pipe with two inlets is run. Three different values for the velocity atthe first inlet and four velocity values at the second inlet are explored. This results in twelve design points. Here, you can evaluate the results from the simulation via side by side image comparison.

The images displayed are enhanced. This means you can access information about the value of a variable by clicking on the pixel. A detailed description on how to create such comparison can be found at this link.

Choose variable to enable palette
Choose variable to enable palette


Images tagged with their Nexus IDs are a core part of the display framework. They can be displayed in specialized layouts such as the Carousel and Slider to enhance their presentation. Images can be left their native size or resized manually. Nexus "deep" images can show additional options for exploration.

Regular image
Image file not found

"Deep" image


Movies can be integrated into any report and displayed in various ways. Mpeg4 is the format that works best in Nexus.

Tree Items

Nexus supports formal data hierarchies in the form of trees. They can be interactively expanded and collapsed. They support dynamic, rule-based formatting to identify outliers and data of interest.

Basic Display

Here is an example of basic tree display. Expand the various items to view the complete dataset.


Tree Merge

Generators can be applied to trees. The simplest generator can merge multiple trees into a single tree.

Input Trees

Here are two trees we would like to compare. Note that most (but not all) of the row names are the same. The tree merge operation works by collecting cells with the same tree row names.
Max Iterations10000
Output Values
Output pressure136.52
Output temperature295.73
Input Values
Inlet pressure310.64
Inlet diameter3.02
Max Iterations10000
Output Values
Output pressure131.14
Output temperature267.41
Input Values
Inlet pressure317.01
Inlet diameter2.58

Merged Trees

The columns from the input trees are merged into multiple tree columns. Note that the operation has been configured to use the string "N/A" for cells that do not exist in the common tree layout.
Values retain their input nature allowing conditional formatting based on text or numeric values to be applied to the tree value columns. In the example, we apply conditional formatting to columns past the first one, comparing the values to the first data column. "N/A" values have a blue background, numeric values smaller than the initial column have a red background while values greater than the first column have a green background.
Design Point 10Design Point 20
Max Iterations1000010000
Output Values
Output pressure136.52131.14
Output temperature295.73267.41
Input Values
Inlet pressure310.64317.01
Inlet diameter3.022.58

Table Generators

Nexus provides the ability to generate new data derived from existing data. The mechanism to generate temporary data is called Generators. Nexus currently provides a number of Table generators, some of which are highlighted below. See the documentation for the full list.

Original Data

The intial input consists of three simple tables.

Merged Tables

A table merge generator can be used to convert the three individual tables into a single table.