Configuration options#

Several properties control the export of the PPTX Layout template as a Powerpoint report.

Supported placeholder parameters#

ADR uses placeholder names to decide what to insert in the placeholder and how to display the content. Placeholder parameters must be separated by “&”, just like in a URL.

For example: Nexus:query=A|i_date|gt|2022-02-03T17:35:00.000Z;A|i_name|eq|table;&rows=12&cols=6




A query expression following ADR's filtering syntax used to specify the item to insert in the placeholder.


Number of rows per slide to be set for a table item. Must be of the form “rows=n” where n is the number of rows.


Number of columns per slide to be set for a table item. Must be of the form “cols=n” where n is the number of columns.


Number of lines per slide to be set for a string or HTML item. Must be of the form “lines=n” where n is the number of lines. A string item containing multiple lines separated by a new line character is split into several lines and each line is used as a paragraph (bullet point in the PPT slide).


HTML headers will use the template’s headers usually set using the custom HTML header option of the template editor or the set_HTML() method of the Python API. In order to use them as the slide title, each slide must be represented as a template child and the header must be set on them. (i.e. only works if use_all_slides is set to 0, and templates are created for the selected slides)


Uses template comments that are saved using the Python API while creating the template. Comments can be plain text or HTML and will be rendered accordingly.


Allows a placeholder to be considered for insertion of table of contents. The content will be a list of all slide titles available in the pptx with links back to the corresponding slides.


Allows a placeholder to be considered to insert a link back to the table of contents. Link text may be pre-inserted or through a query string. Eg: “Nexus:toc_link&query=A|i_date|gt|2022-02-03 T17:35:00.000Z;A|i_name|eq|toc_link_text”. Default is the string “Table of contents”.


Allows a placeholder to be used to insert breadcrumbs showing the hierarchy chain of the current template, as organized when the template was initially created.

PPTX Layout Template#




The input PowerPoint template file to begin with. This should contain a bunch of empty slides with placeholders that are expected to be filled with items.


Property to enable the use of only specific slides from the input pptx file. Can be ‘1’ or ‘0’. Default is ‘1’. If set to ‘0’, it must contain one or more child PPTX Slide Layout templates.


The name of the output PowerPoint file to download as. Can be any string. Default is “<name-of-template>_<random_id>.pptx”.

PPTX Slide Layout Template#




The index position of the slide that must be picked, from the input pptx. For example, in order to pick the 8th slide for a PPTX Slide Layout template, set this property to ‘8’. The default is its own index position in the list of its parent’s children. For example, the first child uses the 1st slide from the input pptx, the second child uses the 2nd slide and so on.


Property to enable the exclusion of a specific slide from the table of contents, if there is a table of contents slide. Can be ‘1’ or ‘0’. Default is ‘0’.

Common properties#




Setting to enable logarithmic values on the value axis (Y axis) only. Can be set on the plot item or slide template. Can be any integer value that works as the logarithmic base. By default, it is disabled.


Setting to set plot legend position. Can be bottom/corner/left/right/top. Can be set on the plot item or slide template. Default is corner.


Setting to allow overlapping legends with plots in PowerPoint. Can be “1” or “0”. Default is 0. Can be set on the plot item or slide template.


Table item specific setting to show/hide plot legend. Default is 1.


Table item specific setting to show plot title along the X axis.


Table item specific setting to show plot title along the Y axis.


Table item specific setting to show the main plot title.